Cool Schools: WATCH D.O.G.S. program brings male role models to Ottawa Elementary

Cool Schools: WATCH D.O.G.S. program brings male role models to Ottawa Elementary

Keith Singleton takes days off from his job in aerospace manufacturing from time to time to walk the halls and sing a song, or two, at Ottawa Elementary School.

He and a few dozen other men are working hard as “WATCH D.O.G.S.” for this school in Buchanan.

“The program is designed to bring positive male role models into the school,” said Tara Mabry, the Parent and Community Liaison at Ottawa.

“A lot of these kids don’t have positive male role models at home, so this is something we felt was really important and we’ve had positive feedback from it,” Mabry said.

Dads, uncles and grandfathers gladly welcome the opportunity to take on these roles. 

Keith’s son, Kaleb, is a kindergartner at Ottawa which is why he didn’t hesitate to volunteer.

“So many times our wives most of the time are coming in to help out with the kids and for a dad to be able to come in and be involved in his child’s life at the school, it just makes it amazing,” Singleton said.

“He is very special,” said Kaleb Singleton.

Ottawa, along with more than 5,000 schools nationwide, adopted the program and the men get to do a little bit of everything.

Nothing is off limits for them. Volunteers help with math, reading and even singing songs!

Tara says other schools should have WATCH D.O.G.S. because having them around truly makes a difference.

“I think the kids feel a little bit more secure having a big strong man around,” Mabry said.

To learn more about the WATCH D.O.G.S. program, click HERE.
