Cool Schools: Plymouth Robotic Team

 The Robotics Club at Plymouth High School has only been around for 2 years, but in that short amount of time, the students are already proving themselves.

Their coach, Rich Schiber, told ABC 57 News "we currently have two teams that are qualified for the U.S. Open Robotics Competition in Iowa."

High School  students in the Robotics Club at Plymouth High School spend hours after school designing, and building robots from scratch.

Jeremy Shidler, one of the team captains said, "it's a lot of fun. We get to sit there and tinker and build and spend countless hours working on it."

They're working to build a model that's able to stack cylinders and pick up blocks. Other teams around the country are working toward the same goal but these Michiana students are putting in the extra hours trying to make sure their robot gets top scores.

The long hours prepare the dozen or so students for the national stage and set them up for possible careers in science and engineering.

Jason Doody, one of the team captains, said "I didn't know what I wanted to do and now it's like I want to be an engineer I want to go to Purdue I have all these goals set now."

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