Cool Schools: Niles High School Stage Renovations

From the Niles High School auditorium entrance the auditorium looks like a very big part of the school.

And when you walk through these doors you see hundreds of seats, lights, and a big stage ready for students to perform.

But students tell me that this auditorium is actually falling apart.

Katelyn Phillips, a senior told ABC 57 News, "it is falling apart. You can pull up chunks of it. People get massive splinters. It's a big joke that everyone gets at least one splinter a day."

Which is exactly why a group of seniors decided to get together earlier this year and make a change before they graduate.

Senior Brayden Swathwood said "we are raising money for our stage and auditorium performing arts center trying to improve the overall look and feel of it and what it represents to our community and the students at  Niles High School."

The students couldn't tell me why the school wasn't providing the funds to repair the eroding stage, and school officials had no comment, but this small group of students is doing just fine all on their own.

So far they have raised about $5000 through pasta dinners, bake sales, and other community events with the end goal of $10,000 by graduation.

The senior class advisor, Nic Hawley, told us "save the stage is an important event for this group of seniors to revitalize the condition of the stage and help make it more applicable for future generations of learners, students, and community members in the performing arts."

Meaning the students here at Niles High School believe that their school is a cool school.

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