City of South Bend looking for input on Market District’s Street network

NOW: City of South Bend looking for input on Market District’s Street network

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The City of South Bend hosted a public information meeting and open house Tuesday night, kicking off its Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study for the South Bend Market District.

The study is taking a look at the street network around the South Bend Farmers Market, focusing in on the freeway ramps around Eddy Street and S.R. 23 bridge that goes over Saint Joseph River.

“This is really about, looking not at the bridge we’re not talking about removing the bridge infrastructure, this is really just looking at the ramps. The off and on ramps and whether, can those be replaced by a different alternative,” explained Jitin Kain, the Deputy Director of Public Works for the City of South Bend.

The city says the South Bend Market District freeway ramps and bridges were put in around the Saint Joseph River back in the 60’s, with the hopes it would clear traffic. Instead, other issues were brought to the district, like dangerous speeding.

“My biggest concern over the years has been the safety of those who are trying to cross Eddie Street, and I know that some people have been killed in that fast traffic,” said Monica Tetzlaf, a South Bend Resident who attended the meeting.

Tuesday’s meeting was just the first step in the possible seven-to-ten-year project. Step one, the PEL study, relies heavily on community input.

After the PEL study is complete, which is expected to take around two years, they will enter the next phase which involves preliminary design and engineering planning.

Phase two is expected to take around two years as well, and then they will enter the third and final phase, construction. Construction could last anywhere from one to four years, with the timeline depending on the federal funding.

To learn more about the project, submit comments or questions, or to follow along with its progress, click here.  
