Census offers guidance to college students affected by COVID-19

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic closing most universities and colleges, many students are living at home instead of on campus. The US Census Bureau has released some guidance on how to fill out census forms in regards to students.

In general, students in colleges and universities temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 virus will still be counted as part of this process.  Even if they are home on census day, April 1, they should be counted where they live and sleep most of the time. In most cases students normally living away from home at school should be counted at school, even if they are temporarily elsewhere due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Parents or guardians should only include children in college who live with them full time during the school year. They should not list college students studying or living abroad on April 1.

Click here for more information

And here's a video with puppies and kittens that explains the importance of filling out the census forms.

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