CAPS in Elkhart holds community garage sale to fund new facility

Raising money for a cause: CAPS (Child and Parent Services) in Elkhart is holding a community garage sale Friday.

In preparation for construction on CAPS’s new home, the organization needs funding to tear down their building’s garage and to build their new facility, so they’re taking what is left and selling it all to the community.

“As we’ve grown it’s just become more and more cramped,” said Andrew Hershberger, CAPS’s Communications and Brand Manager. "Programs run into each other. Some of them are sensitive programs with abused children are being held in hallways, things of that nature so it’s just not a good fit.”

Community members have also donated clothes, shoes, books and decorations. There will even be a BBQ and ribs available for shoppers by Guy’s Gourmet Ribs.

Most items start at fifty cents and what isn’t sold will be donated to Shepard’s Cove and Goodwill.

They’re also encouraging anyone attending to bring donations of cash or school supplies to help CAPS children prepare for school this fall.

CAPS doesn’t necessarily have a fundraising goal, but would like to see everything from their garage go.

“Our goal is to really make sure people who come here go away with good stuff for a very low price and kind of get to know where we are and who we are,” Hershberger said.

The garage sale runs from 8.A.M to 3 P.M. at the Joy Rose Center in Elkhart.

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