Businesses benefit from Best. Week. Ever.

NOW: Businesses benefit from Best. Week. Ever.

ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, Ind. - There’s a lot to look back on, if you were one of the 50,000 people that participated in South Bend’s Best. Week. Ever.

For many, the city’s historic event is now a memory but for businesses in the area, Best. Week. Ever. could be the start of something even bigger.

An official with the South Bend Museum of Art says the partnerships formed during Best. Week. Ever. will last far beyond just those few days.

Location isn’t exactly the South Bend Museum of Art’s best feature.

“Challenged, not in our own building, a lot of people drive by every day,” said Cathy Dietz, Director of Marketing and Events for the South Bend Museum of Art.

But one memorable week may have been exactly what the museum needed.

“300 new visitors through galleries, 1000 new people to meet me on the island event Friday,” said Dietz.

Besides showing off their brand to 1300 new people, the museum took advantage of what turned out to be the ultimate community event.

“Music Village did best lunch ever here at the galleries and talking about doing future events like it,” said Dietz.

Aerie says his organization does best when other businesses are in the mix.

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