Buchanan group fighting back against trail vandals

NOW: Buchanan group fighting back against trail vandals

BUCHANAN, Mich.-It’s a trail that most people in Buchanan walk, bike or run along daily.

Back in 2002, the Buchanan Area Recreation Board created a subcommittee known as the “Friends of McCoy’s Creek Trail.”

Originally, the group’s goal was to simply provide a safe recreational path for the town along McCoy’s Creek, but it quickly turned into an ongoing project to bring new life and activities to Buchanan.

“The city has been very cooperative with us,” said Lloyd Miller, a Chairperson for the McCoy’s Creek Trail Committee.

The committee, made up of volunteers, relies on donations and fundraisers to raise money for their projects.

They’ve built a fitness trail, reconstructed several parts including a picnic area.

The group also hosts events like an annual 5-K and a Halloween “Trek-or-Treat” night.

But if you look closely at some parts, you may notice, something is off.

“Vandalism is unfortunately something that we have to deal with,” Miller said. “Our track record is very consistent.”

“It’s just really heartbreaking it irritated me,” said Ulrike McCarty, a Board Member on the committee.

From day one, few things have been left untouched. From fences, signs, even a hand-painted mural created by a local artist has been damaged.

Luckily, they’ve had the community’s help to identify perpetrators.

“I put it out on Facebook and sadly to say, that was the most viewed, shared and commented on Facebook post we’ve had so far,” McCarty said.

Despite having several incidents, the committee refuses to let the damage put a halt on their future plans.

The city recently approved the trail to be a part of Buchanan’s security camera system, installing multiple devices along the trail.

The committee has a standing reward with anyone who has information regarding vandalism.

You can become a member or “friend” of the trail, which helps support maintenance projects. A family membership is $25 for the year. For more information, click HERE to view the group’s Facebook page.

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