Buchanan commissioners vote in interim city manager

BUCHANAN, Mich. - Buchanan City Commissioners voted Monday night to contract an interim city manager, just weeks after former manager Ben Eldridge resigned following accusations of misconduct by other city employees.

The selected interim manager, Timothy Lynch, served as interim manager before. This new contract will see him in the position for at least a year.

Lynch is willing to start as soon as his contract gets signed, which could be at any time, according to commissioners.

A public hearing was also held Monday night to discuss the possible resignation of Buchanan City Commissioner Dan Vigansky. Buchanan Mayor Sean Denison laid out four allegations against Vigansky, saying he violated the city’s Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Other accusations include Vigansky supposedly telling Eldridge about the complaints against him, despite Vigansky being told to keep them confidential.

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