Birdsell Mansion restoration begins amid neighborhood skeptics

NOW: Birdsell Mansion restoration begins amid neighborhood skeptics

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- “I hate looking at it every day I drive by it for work,” says one anonymous and frustrated local employee in Near West Side South Bend.

The Birdsell Mansion on W Colfax Ave. & N William St has been standing since 1898.

Maintaining the home has been a challenge over the past decade and new ownership since 2007, the owners haven’t put significant effort into up keeping the property.

This has caused neighborhood residents to be reluctant when they see potential restoration efforts.

“They’ll have people come in and hope to do something and then it seems to just evaporate,” Don Irmiger, Near West Side resident said.

The agriculture tech giant JB Birdsell built the home that has stood for over a century at that very corner lot.

The home is owned now by Steve Mihaljevic, who also owns cheers pub. He’s been in charge of building upkeep since purchasing the property back in 2007.

The City of South Bend Code Enforcement has had 25 different complaints filled since 2018.

“We’d like to see this restored. We’re looking forward to see it become something workable that contributes to the neighborhood,” said Anne Mannix, the President of Near West Side Neighborhood Association.

Paid for by the owner, the property is going to be redoing its paint job and putting in brand new glass windows. This work is expected to take about 90 days.

This work is a part of the Near West Side’s identity that residents say is showcasing the past and present, but also many want it to be maintained well too.

“We have to have our own self-image and we need to know where we came from,” Mannix continued.

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