“Best Friend” of Annie the Deer calls for justice

NOW: “Best Friend” of Annie the Deer calls for justice

UPDATE: The officer involved in the incident has been removed from the department


LAWRENCE, Mich. - The deer who was shot and killed Friday at point blank range was a friend to the entire community.

Describing her as kind, loving, and human like, Nabe Shin said she felt especially close to the deer after Annie, or as she calls her in Korean  "Capsuna," helped her get through the tragic loss of her son.

Shin now feels like she is grieving them both all over again and is calling for #justiceforannie.

Neighbors are doing the same on "Justic for Annie" Facebook page, which has already gained nearly 3,000 followers.

Others demand justice by creating t-shirts and signs, posting them around the community.

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