Benton Harbor to upgrade all city parks in next five years

NOW: Benton Harbor to upgrade all city parks in next five years

BENTON HARBOR, Mich. -- On Monday the Benton Harbor City Commission adopted their Parks and Recreation Plan for the next five years, with a focus on upkeep in the city’s several parks.

The city devised the plan as a guideline for improving recreation and enhancing natural resource conservation.

They say quality parks strengthen neighborhoods, add to property value, and create a desirable quality of life for people to live and raise families.

The plan was also done to receive a state grant that can aid in improving the city’s 15+ parks.

City officials say work has already begun with Whirlpool, who is working on a few of the city’s parks, but the grant will help to fix up the rest of the parks.

One commissioner says he wants all parks to have brand-new equipment.

Another goal in the plan is to target the youth and make sure they can enjoy outdoor recreational activities to the fullest extent.

“Our goal is going to be to upgrade and improve all of the parks in the city so that the citizens here can enjoy,” says Alexander Little, Community and Economic Development Director for the city of Benton Harbor. “The city has a huge youth population, 36% of our total population right now are 19 years old and under, and recreational activities and leisure facilities like parks are very important to them.”

Residents can enjoy the new, beautified parks within the next few years at no cost to them.

They say now that the plan is approved, work will begin soon.
