August weather outlook

NOW: August weather outlook

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- After a wet and seasonable July, August is looking fairly similar.

The Climate Prediction Center has released their August outlook across the United States.

For Michiana, it looks like temperatures will be near to slightly above average. 

Our average August temperature for the entire month is 70.7 degrees. Therefore, expect the overall average temperature for the month to fall near that, with better odds it leans slightly warmer.

This climate signal indicates that August overall does not look very warm/hot or significantly cooler than usual as well.

This does not mean we cannot have a heat wave or a brief cool down at any time though. An average is the middle ground of the extremes.

Switching gears to rainfall, it looks like this next month will be slightly wetter than usual.

We typically get around four inches of rain in August. Expect a monthly total to be around four inches or a little more. 

As long as we do not get all of that rain in a few days like we did in July, we will be able to take that amount of rain during the course of a month.

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