Twin City Players offering Improv Comedy Workshop

ST. JOSPEH, Mich. -- The Twin City Players in St. Joseph is holding an Improv Comedy Workshop at 7 p.m. on June 20 at their studio on Glenlord Road. 

Led by improv veteran Stephen Kadwell, the workshop will introduce some of the fundamentals of improv and team participants to build characters and scenes from scratch.

"Whether you're an experienced actor or have never tread the boards, improv skills can help you be present in the moment, cozy up to the unknown, and embrace the unexpected in all areas of life," organizers said.

Online pre-purchase is required and the deadline to purchase is June 14. The cost is $10 per participant (18 years of age and up).

Formed in 1932, Twin City Players is a volunteer based nonprofit organization that "strives to engage the community in quality theatre that changes lives and to be recognized for organizational excellence producing quality performances in southwest Michigan."

The TCP Playhouse is located at 600 West Glenlord Road, St. Joseph. For more information, call 269-429-0400 or visit their website.

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