TSA agent shares how 9/11 impacted her career path and made her want to help

NOW: TSA agent shares how 9/11 impacted her career path and made her want to help

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- ABC57 News spoke with Transportation Security Administration agent Yvonne Neal at South Bend International Airport about how the events of 9/11 changed the trajectory of her career path.

As a transportation security officer, Neal has screened thousands of passengers and assisted with countless bags.

Neal applied to work for the TSA in 2016 and was hired in 2017.

Neal said she felt moved to do something the moment she saw the second tower fall on 9/11. When the TSA was created months later, she said she knew she wanted to become a TSA agent.

On her left arm is a sleeve tattoo which pays tribute to those who lost their lives that day.

Of her tattoo, Neal said, "Yeah, the Twin Towers, obviously, I didn't want the aftermath on there, the angel weeping of what happened, the stairway with the firefighter, the 102 minutes, that's from when the first plane hit to when the last tower fell. And then, 'Let's roll.' Those words always stuck in my mind. It was a passenger on United 93, Todd Beamer. Those were the last words he said before him and the passengers stormed the cockpit to try to take the plane back. So that always stuck with me. So, this means a lot to me."

Neal said following the attack she instantly wanted to do something to give back, to help, and to pay tribute.

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