South Bend schools superintendent will leave at end of contract

SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The Superintendent of the South Bend Community School District announced he will leave at the end of his contract - in June 2019.

Dr. Kenneth Spells made the announcement Thursday.

He said he will be the superintendent at the Hazelcrest School District in Illinois.

“I’ve fulfilled my contract and I felt this calling. We completed a lot of great work since I’ve been here and just an opportunity to go back home," Dr. Spells said.

Dr. Spells has been superintendent since July 2016.

The South Bend Regional Chamber issued the following statement on Dr. Spells' resignation

“We wish Dr. Spells all the best as he moves on to a new opportunity,” said Jeff Rea, president and CEO of the South Bend Regional Chamber. “We are proud of the accomplishments Dr. Spells was able to achieve, in a district where some tough decisions had to be made. His work with the school board on the Focus 2018 Plan for district re-organization was a thoughtful and necessary step for the future of the school corporation. While navigating through existing challenges, Dr. Spells managed to assemble an outstanding team to support and implement needed change,” said Rea. “We respect the bold leadership demonstrated by Dr. Spells and look forward to working with the school corporation and board as they search for the next superintendent."

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