Power finally returning to Mishawaka family after 10 days of no electricity

NOW: Power finally returning to Mishawaka family after 10 days of no electricity

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- Days went by with not a flicker of light.

While power for homes is returning across the grid in Elkhart County, just down the road in Mishawaka, the Henderson’s were without electricity for 10 days.

The cause, “The only thing I could do, was not even turn around. I ran backwards ducking because I didn’t know if it was coming from the left or the right of the house,” Jill Henderson recalled about the moment their front yard tree came crashing down onto their power lines.

Scott Henderson went running downstairs and stared at the spot his wife stood.

“It was just an unsettling, unnerving type of thing because any closer it would’ve hit my wife where she was standing,” Scott explained.

They dialed 911 and hours later after firefighters and AEP cleared their house of any further concern and the power off, “Another crack of a tree. It’s dark and we don’t know where it’s coming from. We realize it’s in our backyard,” Jill said.

Another tree fell and shattered right through their shed in the backyard.

The couple then went to a hotel, paid for by insurance and was back and forth for their furry friend Hera, a cute little cat who house sat while the Henderson’s were just a few minutes away.

“She just doesn’t do well alone for very long but there’s no way we could’ve taken her to a hotel it would’ve been like the Tasmanian devil,” Scott joked.

By today, the power was back and Hera, happy to have the Henderson’s back. Their cat, barely knowing how long the two were truly out of power and the two frustrated with how long it took to come back.

“As far as I know, we were the only ones without electricity on our neighborhood,” Jill shared

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