Mishawaka library hosts professional basketball player Devin Cannady to read his new published children's novel

NOW: Mishawaka library hosts professional basketball player Devin Cannady to read his new published children’s novel

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- Devin Cannady, a professional basketball player and Mishawaka Native, read his self-published book "Aliya Can," written for his soon-to-be 1-year-old daughter, Aliya Cannady.

This illustrated children's book encourages children to believe they can achieve anything they set their minds to. Inspired by Cannady's experience as a first-time father, the story features a young girl named Aliya who gains confidence by believing in herself.

Cannady signed copies of his book, and each family in attendance received a free autographed copy. Including, Cannady gifting his Orlando Magic jersey to the Mishawaka Library where he spent most of his time as a child.

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