Mishawaka high school celebrates their 100-year anniversary

NOW: Mishawaka high school celebrates their 100-year anniversary

MISHAWAKA, Ind. -- One man knows the 100-year-old Mishawaka High School well; his name is Jerry Devorkin.

Jerry Devorkin, who is in his 80s is one of the MHS hall monitors, a job he takes seriously, but with some humor too. His main task is to direct traffic through the maze of the hallways.

He has worked this new role for more than 20 years, something he enjoys, but puts on someone else for the reason he keeps going.

“My wife seems to think I should still be active and working,” Jerry Devorkin, Hall Monitor.

Devorkin graduated in 1957 and his mother in 1926. She graduated just two years after the building opened.

The high school was built on Lincoln Way East in 1924, a century ago.

Alumnus Van Gate this year also celebrated 100. He still looked fondly at the school he graduated from.

“Much bigger and better looking than it was in those days, but I think this hundred-year-old school looks better than any of the regular schools around town,” Van Gate, 100-Year-Old, Alum

Gate donated $10,000 to the school for upkeep to the signage.

Today the Mishawaka Mayor Dave Wood made it official. Today is now the “Mishawaka High School Centennial School First Day of School Day”

“No other buildings, no other school corporations that can boast of having a building, not only of this beauty, but of this age in the community.

It is in many ways the heart and soul of Mishawaka,” said Dave Wood, Mayor of Mishawaka.

For now, Jerry Devorkin is sticking to giving directions since his days as a three-sport athlete is over at MHS.

“No, I think my time is past for me to even believe that I could still participate,” Jerry Devorkin said.

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