ISP reminds drivers of back-to-school safety on the road

Many kids return to school this week in the South Bend and Elkhart region, with South Bend Community Schools, Penn Harris Madison Schools and Concord Schools all starting class August 17. It's always important to be cautious while out on the roads, not just in school zones.

Indiana State Police Sgt. Ted Bohner reminds drivers to keep an eye out for children on the roads and warns parents to talk to their children about staying safe on their way to school.

“First as parents, have talks with your kids especially if they’re younger, walking safely to the bus stop or if they walk to school,” said Bohner. “And then when they get to the bus stop, actually wait for the bus, kids start playing around and playing games and stuff, they can forget where they lose that thought process and concentration.”

Navigating school buses can be confusing for drivers.

“The biggest thing is know when to stop,” said Bohner. “That seems to be a refresher we need every year. Be patient. Be a courteous driver, and put the distractions down.”

See the image below for reference on when and where drivers need to stop when a school bus has a stop-arm extended.

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