Hilltop Farms volunteers transport Talos guided missiles to SBN
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- After two and a half years and quite a number of setbacks, South Bend Regional Airport is now home to two Talos guided missiles.
It's not something you see every day: giant missiles strapped down to flatbed trucks. But on Tuesday, volunteers from Hilltop Farms drove the Michiana-made weapons on the bypass to the Military Honor Park and Museum.
The director said he thought they would have the missiles mounted back in May, but there has been a number of setbacks in getting them restored.
"You're dealing with two. What worked on one, didn't work on the other. Even though they are brothers, or twins, or whatever you want to call them. There was always another problem," Said George Murat.
The missiles are unfinished, but on Wednesday, they will add on eight fins and wings, and a few panels before they mount them permanently.
The park has invested $37,000 to bring home the missiles that shot down planes in the Vietnam Conflict.