Gov. Holcomb provides update on state's response to COVID-19

NOW: Gov. Holcomb provides update on state’s response to COVID-19

Governor Eric Holcomb held his weekly press conference Wednesday afternoon to give an update on the state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Box spoke about trends with the COVID-19 case counts. She said so far in September, 0-19 year olds and 20-29 year olds make up 47.9% of new COVID-19 cases.

Of all student cases, 62.5% have occurred in college students. This increase began around August 20.

Dr. Box said the increase in cases are due to increased testing and have been tied to sleepovers, parties and other gatherings.

During the press conference Governor Holcomb also alerted local cities and towns they can begin applying for Community Crossings grants as of next week.

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