Cool Schools: Good Shepherd Montessori School


At the Good Shepherd Montessori School in South Bend, students don't just grow and learn. They learn to grow. And it's the extra time devoted to non-traditional subjects that makes Good Shepherd Montessori a very “cool school."

Every day students are taught to care for the world around them because this private school believes in caring for the earth and the world resources.

This school believes that experiencing nature from a young age creates the whole person. And with trips to an actual farm several days a week, Julia McKenna an 8th grader, said it "kind of made me the person I am. Looking at the world in a different way and being able to see. My grandparents have a farm and so being able to go there and having that connection and not having lost that is really great for me. We now have a garden at our house and a compost bin which we never would have had before I came here."

Students get to partake in all of these agricultural activities in a more in depth atmosphere which is seen through the environmentally conscious student body and sustainable campus.


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