Black bear crashes 12-year-old's birthday party

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- It didn't RSVP, but it showed up at a Florida boy's birthday party anyway. A black bear wandered into the backyard party Saturday and created quite a stir.

12-year-old Cale Herrera was in the bounce house when the black bear crashed the birthday party and shook up some parents.

Florida Fish and Wildlife officers were following the bear all afternoon and decided to capture him when he came too close to the kids.

"He pawed his front paws, just pushed the whole fence down then he just went over into the other neighbors yard," said parent Yvette Picasso.

Officers used a tranquilizer dart to get the 200-pound bear out of the tree behind another home.

Neighbors say the bear has been poking around the neighborhood all week.


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