4/20 "Afroman" concert still planned at M40 Speedway

NOW: 4/20 “Afroman“ concert still planned at M40 Speedway

CASS COUNTY, Mich. — The 4/20 Afroman concert is taking place at the M40 Speedway over in Newburg Township. Since the township doesn't have any zoning guidelines, there's no need for an event license.

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean patrons are in the clear to use marijuana at the event.

Newburg Township is one of a few townships in the state of Michigan that doesn’t have zoning ordinances. Recently, the township adopted an ordinance to regulate any activities that have 500 people or more.

Since organizers are limiting capacity at the upcoming 4/20 Afroman concert, they aren't restricted by the township's new ordinance.

However, ABC57 was told the event doesn’t have a permit to allow the use of marijuana at the venue. Cass County Prosecutor Victor Fitz said the event needs to acquire dual licensing, even though the speedway is private property.

“It’s not whether it's public or private, it's whether again in this situation it's licensed. So, again, bottom line, in Michigan in public you cannot smoke marijuana and if you are putting on an event it needs to be licensed both by the local municipality and the state of Michigan,” Fitz said.

Prosecutor Fitz said, “the use of marijuana at any event without the proper licensing and permission exposes the organizers and users to potential civil and or criminal action.”

It’s still unclear whether the organizers can secure the proper licensing before the event on Saturday, April 17, 2021.

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