South Bend man invents "The Potty Duck"

The art of potty training children takes a lot of work and is not always the easiest feat for parents!

But one inventor has found a unique and fun way to ease kids into this new life changing experience.

“I like to tell people that rubber ducks have been floating around for more than 50 years without much to do but now they finally have a purpose,” said Fred Longenecker, a South Bend inventor.

He invented a product called “The Potty Duck.”

“It’s a rubber duck and a toy toilet to make potty training fun for kids,” said Longenecker.

“Kids learn by playing with the toy playing with the duck in the toilet to learn what a toilet is for then they practice sitting on a real potty while the duck sits nearby on its potty,” Longenecker said.

The idea stretches years back, when his daughter was potty training; he was one of those frustrated parents that wanted a solution.

But, his full time job got in the way until six years ago, it got resurrected.

He partnered with a pediatrician and now sells the toy online. And so far, it’s impressed parents nationwide.

“Feedback we’ve gotten in the months we’ve had it available has been great from both parents and experts,” Longenecker said. “We’ve had parents telling us it’s easier to potty train their children and that the kids are having a lot of fun,” Longenecker said.

He has bigger ambitions then just selling online.

“I’d love to see it in every home every daycare I believe this toy has the ability to engage younger children as well as the older toddler,” Longenecker said.

The product comes with the rubber duck and a tip sheet. For more information on the product and how to order one for your toddler, visit

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