Protestors in attendance for Notre Dame graduation

Protestors came out on Sunday at the corner of Angela Boulevard and Notre Dame Avenue in South Bend. They came out to send a message that they were not happy about the Laetare Medal being awarded to people they say does not represent the Catholic faith.

“Notre Dame has really gone down the wrong path here,” said Protestor Eric Scheidler who is the Executive Director of the Pro-Life Action League.

The protestors were not loud and did not cause a scene, instead they held signs in an attempt to send a silent message to everyone who passed by.

“We’re trying to bring attention to the issue. Maybe get people to think about it a little more deeply,” said Founder and Director of The Apostolate Shawn Sullivan.

Protestors said they were unhappy about a Catholic award being given to Vice-President Joe Biden and Former House Speaker John Boehner because they stand for issues against the Catholic faith.

"It sends the wrong message to folks that the doctrines of the Catholic Church do not matter and that we can be wishy-washy on the doctrines and still call yourself Catholic,” Sullivan added.

In all there were about 30-40 protestors in attendance.

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