Speed limit changes in Mishawaka, increased patrols

Speed limits are changing in parts of Mishawaka.

With increasing speed however, comes increased patrol.

Grape Road from McKinley to Edison went from 30 to 35 miles per hour this week.

“The Mishawaka City Council updated some ordinances on speed as far as speed limits in our city,” Mishawaka Lt. Tim Williams said.

Dragoon Trail will also increase its speed limit from 30 miles per hour to 35 soon.

However, Williams says for drivers, the speed limits don’t change until the signs do, meaning Dragoon is still 30 miles per hour.

“It’s hard to keep up with the number of violations I see on this road,” Williams said of Dragoon Trail.

Williams says Mishawaka officers are putting extra patrols throughout the city in coming weeks.

“That 10 miles over the speed limit, that 15 miles over the speed limit, when you have a child or animal run out in front of you or someone pull off from a side street or a driveway, that makes the difference of being able to stop in time,” Williams said.

Officers will be looking closely at areas where the speed limit is changing.

“If the speed limit’s posted 35 and you’re going over that, you could be cited,” Williams said.

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