Anna Rohrer credits former high school head coach after winning meet

You may have heard of her.

“Right now I just feel like a proud parent, in a way. I just like watching her run,” said Chris Kovalewski, Cross Country Head Coach at Mishawaka High School.

But do you really know her story?

“When I would lose confidence in myself, my team, my former teammates, my coach… they were kinda the people that, when I doubted myself they knew like, ‘don’t stress it’,” said Rohrer.

Cross country champion Anna Rohrer is giving credit where it’s due after a big finish Friday.

“Well I can say that almost everything I know about running comes from Kove. I still do a lot of things that we did in high school on a daily basis, the warm-ups… the little things,” said Rohrer.

Coach Kovalewski remembers why Anna was so special.

“She would get up before school a lot of times to do cross-training workouts on her own. More often than not, what I was telling her to do is something NOT to do. ‘Ok we need to not do this and don’t get up in the morning but it was willing to do the extra. The small things that you can’t coach,” said Kovalewski.

And with every pit…

“Last year I kinda doubted myself just because I didn’t really know what to expect,” said Rohrer.

She found her peak.

“I know when I was able to just cross that barrier to the next level was when I really started believing in myself,” said Rohrer.

Her former Mishawaka teammates had a message after the meet to:

 “Ready, 1, 2, 3, we’re so proud of you Anna,” said the Mishawaka Girls Cross Country Team.

Anna finished first individually with 16:11.7 and 8th altogether as a team with Notre Dame.

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