Your Voice: D.C. drama's impact on midterms

Your Voice: D.C. drama’s impact on midterms

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — controversy in the capital this week could have a major impact on this year’s midterms but will it matter when voters here at home hit the polls in November?

Just three months after leading a “drain the swamp” chant in Elkhart, two people with ties to President Donald Trump are looking at hard time for criminal activity.

Former campaign manager Paul Manafort was found guilty of eight counts of financial fraud and Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to two counts of campaign finance violations while also implicating the president’s involvement.

“The Democrats are going to be energized, are they sufficiently additionally energized to win back control of the House and maybe even the Senate, and hold on to seats in places like Indiana?” said Rick Klein, ABC News Political Director. “I think the big question is really not about the president’s base—which I think is clear is going to stick with him—but how this sinks in with voters?”

D.C.’s drama was encouraging to voters like Jody DeNee

“I’m glad to see that things are happening and I’m hoping that will continue on,” she said. “The current political atmosphere, we need some sweeping change.”

Meanwhile, conservative voter and 2016 Trump supporter Gerry Metz says this week was eye opening.

“I just don’t know who to vote next time,” said Metz. “I don’t think he’s actually a politician. He’s a good businessman but a politician, I don’t know.”

But some voters landed in the middle.

Voters like Steve Madar says he’s more discouraged by the news but not enough to keep him from the polls.

“It’s such a turn off to see all the denials and what’s then-accused is now coming to fruition. It’s so upsetting for me to see,” said Madar. “I like to focus on our local [issues]. That’s something I can have an impact on. And D.C. is so far away.

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