Families and professionals test disc golf course in Elkhart

NOW: Families and professionals test disc golf course in Elkhart

ELKHART, Ind. - Disc golf players in Elkhart had a chance to give feedback on a new disc golf course Sunday.

The popular sport requires its own course, which is why Elkhart Parks and Rec held this test run for the new fourteen-hole course in Island Park near downtown Elkhart.

About 50 excited residents, including families and professionals, got to weigh in on the course's design.

Jamison Czarnecki, Superintendent of Elkhart Parks and Rec, said, "I've been really excited to see the amount of families that have come out and people who said, 'I live five minutes from here, I'm so excited about a downtown course.' So, this sport is great because it's accessible, it's equitable. And now that it's in a close area, it'll be easy for people to come with their family to play a round or two."

The feedback shared Sunday will help to finalize the course, which organizers say should be by mid-July.

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